Annas Weblog

Game over!
June 30, 2008, 7:21 am
Filed under: Sports

One game after the disasterous half-finals against Turkey, from the looks of it, a similar interference as the broadcast problems caused by a thunderstorm in Austria, had spread amongst the German soccer equipe. An interference settled somewhere between German goodness, effort and the lack of iedas. And of course ‘one game after the half-finals’ means finals (sic!). However that proved rather unimportant.

If one carries only half a heart in the chest how is one supposed to stand up to anything? Standing up to something stronger is probably the hardest thing. Giving up half way kills it all. As soon as Kuranyi and Gomez entered the playground it just wouldn’t have mattered whether there was another broadcast interference or not… .

Just blog it!
June 24, 2008, 10:44 am
Filed under: Dog

Despite of the inevitable necessity to name reasons or serve pretexts: I decided to blog for no other reason than that:

I blog.

She spots the world differently.

And for the rest of you: welcome onblog.