Annas Weblog

Dissertation Teil 10 – a never ending story ending next week
July 29, 2010, 5:47 pm
Filed under: Diss | Tags: ,

It’s the last few meters … the last few … the last … .

Still on dissertation
October 28, 2008, 10:33 am
Filed under: Diss | Tags: , , , ,

I just wanted to share a neat quote I came across a few days ago while polishing my introduction. However, I don’t feel like taking the time to ponder about it a little more because time has recently turned out as a very limited resource in these autumn days. 😉 But I’ll make it get better soon. So, here it is. If you feel like adding comments towards some current financial crisis or American politics, go for it:

„Interestingly, the legendary American venture-capital system has a very different structure than that of the mainstream capital markets, with patient investors, active monitoring, and long-term owner-ship of large, controlling equity stakes. In “Capital Disadvantage”, I draw on research by other scholars and lay out the case for why the American capital-allocation system may outperform those of other countries in some respects, while still falling well short of the ideal in other respects. The problems now afflicting Europe and Asia make it tempting to declare the American system the winner. Anemic economic growth in the United States, coupled with rising inequality, however, suggest that the need remains for serious scrutiny of our system.” (Porter, 1998)

If very bright people as Michael E. Porter wrote that in the preamble of their book already 10 years ago, why are we all so much surprised now? I guess I still don’t get it. Back to work.