Annas Weblog

Dissertation Teil 8 – …
February 26, 2009, 7:01 pm
Filed under: Diss



Dissertation Teil 7 – Maybe we can…
February 25, 2009, 7:20 pm
Filed under: Diss | Tags: ,


… endlich mal fertig werden. Vielen Dank, dass ihr mir alle keine Mails mehr schreibt. Wissend, dass ich in sehr wenigen sozialen Leben partizipiere, hier ein Attraktivitätspunkt (Bieger, 2007): Sonntag. Mia Konzert. In der grausamen Halle MS.

Falls wer Lust hat miezekommen, Tickets gibt’s noch an jeder Vorverkaufsstelle. Sonst eröffnet am Sonntagmorgen im Rock- und Popmuseum in Gronau eine schöne Ausstellung zu “Tod und Sterben in der Rockmusik”.

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Grand photographs and little words – Annie Leibovitz and her lecture

Question from the audience: “In some cultures people believe that photographers can see your soul. Do you think that there’s a pinch of truth in that?”
Annie Leibovitz: “Well, you know, photographers have a soul, too and that’s the answer to this question.”

When soccer players are asked to comment on the victory or defeat of a match, the  most unnecessary situations arise. Surprisingly we are so much used to standard phrases like “The teamwork was really good today, so we won” that we don’t even realize the lack of meaning. Why is it not enough to watch a soccer game and take it for real, finite and done. Why are masters of a certain discipline put in the spot to prove sense of their achievements in their own words? Or in other words: what was that Annie Leibovitz lecture about?

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“How lucky, in a time of grief, to rebuild your life.” – Annie Leibovitz about her latest exhibition

Annie Leibovitz interviewed by Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck (HGB Leipzig)

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Wer mit Lisa nicht durchbrennt, ist selber Schuld
February 19, 2009, 12:06 pm
Filed under: Friends | Tags:

betz1 smiling_horse betz2

Robert Betz grinst wie ein Honigkuchenpferd und feuert im Minutentakt Lebensweisheiten in den Raum: Chakra, Erleuchtung, Liebe, Dankbarkeit, Zustimmung, der gesunde Körper, in Einklang mit sich selbst und der Natur und “Sie können alles genießen, vorausgesetzt Sie sind da und da sind die Wenigsten. […], also kommen Sie zu sich selbst.”

Ja, genau. Kommen wir doch mal zu uns selbst. Prescilla – wie meine Schulter neuerdings in Anlehung an Bat for Lashes heisst – Prescilla, jedenfalls hat nicht wirklich Lust noch länger mit 220 Westfalen in einem Bürgerzentrum zu sitzen und einem Honigkuchenpferd zuzuhören. Sie schmerzt und will bewegt werden. Lustigerweise sagt sie mir das auch direkt in der anschließenden Meditation, die Robert Betz selbstverständlich leitet. Dann bricht Betz auch schon wieder aus in den üblichen Wortschwall: mehr Selbstbestimmung im eigenen Leben, die inhärente schöpferische Kreativität des Menschen (ich denke an die Dissertation und resümiere, dass er das mit Kreativität nicht meinen kann), das mal-für-sich-Zeit-nehmen. Mal was für sich machen. Einfach mal machen. Einfach mal los. Einfach. Leichtigkeit. Tüddelü.

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Between darkness and wonder
February 16, 2009, 8:58 pm
Filed under: Weird things


Sometimes grown-ups have the most perturbing ideas. Infact, I wonder whether it is exclusively the grown-ups who come up with perturbing ideas while teaching their children that weird ideas are to be avoided. Strictly. However, I was faced with a very perturbing idea recently. It kept spinning in my head for a whole week. Last weekend, when the idea was about to become reality, it turned out that someone else also thought the idea to be far from reasonable and declined the offer to be part of it. And then the weekend was somewhere between darkness and wonder. I had anticipated the worst and was knocked out by the bliss to be mistaken. Thank you.

Dissertation Teil 6 – The neverending discussion
February 12, 2009, 7:30 pm
Filed under: Diss

Did you ever ask yourself why people discuss their results in detail? Why can’t other people just read the results and have a look at the freaggin’ methods and then go: “Heh, wow.” or “Well, that should have been obvious in the beginning already!”

Freaks! All freaks! (Here’s the score… .)


Dissertation Teil 5 – In a non-verbal image
February 11, 2009, 1:18 pm
Filed under: Diss

Here’s to my dissertation:

Gosh, I love Joanne.

Tift Merritt to play @ Pumpenhaus, Muenster
February 7, 2009, 1:52 pm
Filed under: Music | Tags: , , ,

For those of you nearby, willing to see a great concert, here’s a tiny hint: Tift Merritt will play at the Pumpenhaus, which is a great venue for this kind of music. I’ve already seen Eleni Mandell and Howe Gelb there – both just grand! If you have nothing planned for February 15th, go see Tift. Besides that she is totally worth it, she is an amazing performer and musician and a very good looking woman. Check her out:

More tour dates:

o    10 FEB: Dublin, Ireland @ Vicar St. — EVENT INFO
o    12 FEB: London, England @ Shepherds Bush Empire — EVENT INFO
o    14 FEB: Berlin @ Quasimodo — EVENT INFO
o    15 FEB: Muenster @ Pumpenhaus — EVENT INFO
o    16 FEB: Heidelberg @ Karlstorbahnhof — EVENT INFO
o    17 FEB: Frankfurt @ Brotfabrik — EVENT INFO
o    19 FEB: Belfast @ Belfast Nashville Songwriters Festival — EVENT INFO
o    20 FEB: Belfast @ Belfast Nashville Songwriters Festival — EVENT INFO

Did you know?
February 5, 2009, 6:06 pm
Filed under: Media | Tags:

Since I am finally working on my maps, including some waiting time for ArcGIS to finish sessions, I came across this little … quite informative … piece of supposively fact agglomeration. Have fun and don’t scare:

And if you think “WOW! … scary stuff, eh?” and you’re looking for some news from the opposite direction, enjoy this (which is in German btw.).