Annas Weblog

Oh, say can’t you see …?
November 6, 2008, 1:21 pm
Filed under: politics | Tags: , ,



The united states of America have voted! The 44th president is Barack Obama and I am happy for all Americans. … despite of what Sarah Palin might say. Actually, what did she say? I haven’t heard a lot from her recently. I wonder why that is. Well, at least she’ll be back in Alaska right in time for moose hunting season.

She’s doing it …
October 22, 2008, 8:28 pm
Filed under: politics | Tags: , , , , ,

again still. It might be hard to stick up against a Charles ‘Charly’ Gibson of ABC or a Katie Couric of CBS with their lifelong experience in the journalism interrogation business and heaps of difficult life-threatening questions concerning bail outs or neighboring countries … if you lived in Alaska for pretty much all your life and if you’re incapable not willing to name only one daily North American newspaper.

This might be the reason why Ms. Palin was recently addressed with a third graders’ question by some empathetic soul: “What does a vice president do?”

Listen to what it is she thinks that she’ll be doing from the beginning of next year:

… and compare it to what it is Joe Biden will be doing from the beginning of next year:

“As designated by the Constitution of the United States, the vice president also serves as the President of the Senate, and may break tie votes in that chamber. He or she may be assigned additional duties by the president but, as the Constitution assigns no executive powers to the vice president, in performing such duties he or she acts only as an agent of the president.” [source]

This is ridiculous. Tina, do something. I am desperately waiting here!

Saturday Night Live – The whole thing
October 21, 2008, 7:10 pm
Filed under: Fun | Tags: , , , ,
I just found the real thing. I so much wish we had that in Germany!

[clearspring_widget title=”Saturday Night Live – Palin / Hillary Open” wid=”4727a250e66f9723″ pid=”48fe1af7c1cbbc68″ width=”384″ height=”283″ domain=””]

[clearspring_widget title=”Saturday Night Live – Couric / Palin Open” wid=”4727a250e66f9723″ pid=”48fe1db1c75374c0″ width=”384″ height=”283″ domain=””]

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as Palin and Clinton
October 20, 2008, 9:47 am
Filed under: Fun | Tags: , , , ,

This just saved my morning. Enjoy!

The time that it takes
September 12, 2008, 3:44 pm
Filed under: Fun | Tags: , ,

There’s not much time left until the US elections. But it’s sufficient to joke about something before it becomes a very sad truth.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Gina Gershon Strips Down Sarah Palin …“, posted with vodpod

Great blog I was introduced to today
September 5, 2008, 4:00 pm
Filed under: Diss, Education, Media | Tags: , , , , ,

Check it out, check it out! My friend S. told me about the PhD thesis of a pretty great girl today and I visited her blog: turns out she’s got a pretty great blog, too.

Her name is danah boyd and you find her here. I absolutely recommend her personal commentary on the latest discrepancy in the current US election campaign with the catchy title “As a woman, I’m offended” and there’s no doubt about it: she’s damn right. I’d be, too … hold on, I AM, too because it just doesn’t matter whether you are an American citizen or not. And if I additionally consider the background of my yesterday’s read on Sarah Palin (and if only half of it were true) I’d say: I am very thankful for the following things in Germany.

a.) In an election campaign peoples’ personal life is usually divided from their work life. E.g. It doesn’t matter if you are gay or not (having two gay mayors in two major cities – you might even say, we have two “gay major mayors” … OK, I stop it, this is serious.) I am not saying that personal issues are never a topic of the discussion -the national tabloids are just as good or bad as all the other tabloids in the world- but I have the feeling that it doesn’t have that much influence on peoples’ decisions.

b.) Election speeches do not have this blunt, propaganda touch and this pathetic … flush. May it be because we don’t want “CHANGE” (actually, why don’t we?) or may we have agreed on a set of values that we don’t need to discuss over and over again or may it be because words such as “Steigerung des Bruttoinlandsproduktes”, “Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit” or “Verbesserung der Bildungschancen” just seems a fix set of variables without whom an election speech may not be handed out to the politician in question… I don’t have the answer and must admit: Although I am happy about the content in German election speeches (not always but yeah, sometimes we have that) I envy the US politicians for bringing it  to the point and actually making it an interesting message.

c.) In our political system it is not possible that one single person has that much power: In the end McCain decided for the first position behind him. (Wikipedia says the following: “In practice, the presidential nominee has considerable influence on the decision, and in 20th century it became customary for that person to select a preferred running mate, who is then nominated and accepted by the convention.” Now, my knowledge is insufficient on how the decision process on the filling of the vice-presidency spot actually works in detail but already thinking about the possibility of ONE guy having more power than people of his party leaves me with an aching stomach – well, this could also be caused by the salami sandwich earlier… .)

d.) … and there are a couple of more points I am also grateful for but don’t have the time to put down.

All I wanted to say is: check out danahs’ blog. 😉 Oh, and this video.